1.4 Error Handling: Wrapper
In any real-world program, it is essential to
check every function call for an
error return. In Figure 1.5, we check
for errors from socket, inet_pton,
connect, read, and fputs, and when one
occurs, we call our own functions, err_quit and
err_sys, to print an error message and terminate the
program. We find that most of the time, this is what we want to do.
Occasionally, we want to do something other than terminate when one
of these functions returns an error, as in Figure 5.12, when we
must check for an interrupted system call.
Since terminating on an error is the common
case, we can shorten our programs by defining a wrapper function that performs the actual
function call, tests the return value, and terminates on an error.
The convention we use is to capitalize the name of the function, as
sockfd = Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
Our wrapper function is shown in Figure 1.7.
Figure 1.7 Our
wrapper function for the socket function.
236 int
237 Socket(int family, int type, int protocol)
238 {
239 int n;
240 if ( (n = socket(family, type, protocol)) < 0)
241 err_sys("socket error");
242 return (n);
243 }
Whenever you encounter
a function name in the text that begins with an uppercase letter,
that is one of our wrapper functions. It calls a function whose
name is the same but begins with the lowercase letter.
When describing the
source code that is presented in the text, we always refer to the
lowest level function being called (e.g., socket),
not the wrapper function (e.g.,
While these wrapper functions might not seem
like a big savings, when we discuss threads in Chapter 26, we will find that
thread functions do not set the standard Unix errno
variable when an error occurs; instead, the errno value is
the return value of the function. This means that every time we
call one of the pthread_ functions, we must allocate a
variable, save the return value in that variable, and then set
errno to this value before calling err_sys. To
avoid cluttering the code with braces, we can use C's comma
operator to combine the assignment into errno and the call
of err_sys into a single statement, as in the
int n;
if ( (n = pthread_mutex_lock(&ndone_mutex)) != 0)
errno = n, err_sys("pthread_mutex_lock error");
Alternately, we could define a new error
function that takes the system's error number as an argument. But,
we can make this piece of code much easier to read as just
by defining our own wrapper function, as shown
in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8 Our
wrapper function for pthread_mutex_lock.
72 void
73 Pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mptr)
74 {
75 int n;
76 if ( (n = pthread_mutex_lock(mptr)) == 0)
77 return;
78 errno = n;
79 err_sys("pthread_mutex_lock error");
80 }
With careful C coding, we could use macros
instead of functions, providing a little run-time efficiency, but
these wrapper functions are rarely the performance bottleneck of a
Our choice of capitalizing the first character
of a function name is a compromise. Many other styles were
considered: prefixing the function name with an "e" (as
done on p. 182 of [Kernighan and Pike 1984]), appending
"_e" to the function name, and so on. Our style seems the
least distracting while still providing a visual indication that
some other function is really being called.
This technique has the side benefit of checking
for errors from functions whose error returns are often ignored:
close and listen, for example.
Throughout the rest of this book, we will use
these wrapper functions unless we need to check for an explicit
error and handle it in some way other than terminating the process.
We do not show the source code for all our wrapper functions, but
the code is freely available (see the Preface).
Unix errno Value
When an error occurs in a Unix function (such as
one of the socket functions), the global variable errno is
set to a positive value indicating the type of error and the
function normally returns 鈥?. Our err_sys function looks
at the value of errno and prints the corresponding error
message string (e.g., "Connection timed out" if errno
equals ETIMEDOUT).
The value of errno is set by a function
only if an error occurs. Its value is undefined if the function
does not return an error. All of the positive error values are
constants with all-uppercase names beginning with "E," and
are normally defined in the <sys/errno.h> header. No
error has a value of 0.
Storing errno in a global variable does
not work with multiple threads that share all global variables. We
will talk about solutions to this problem in Chapter 26.
Throughout the text, we will use phrases such as
"the connect function returns ECONNREFUSED" as
shorthand to mean that the function returns an error (typically
with a return value of 鈥?), with errno set to the
specified constant.