13.4 daemon_init
13.4 shows a function named daemon_init that we can
call (normally from a server) to daemonize the process. This
function should be suitable for use on all variants of Unix, but
some offer a C library function called daemon that
provides similar features. BSD offers the daemon function,
as does Linux.
Figure 13.4
daemon_init function: daemonizes the process.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 #include <syslog.h>
3 #define MAXFD 64
4 extern int daemon_proc; /* defined in error.c */
5 int
6 daemon_init(const char *pname, int facility)
7 {
8 int i;
9 pid_t pid;
10 if ( (pid = Fork()) < 0)
11 return (-1);
12 else if (pid)
13 _exit(0); /* parent terminates */
14 /* child 1 continues... */
15 if (setsid() < 0) /* become session leader */
16 return (-1);
17 Signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
18 if ( (pid = Fork()) < 0)
19 return (-1);
20 else if (pid)
21 _exit(0); /* child 1 terminates */
22 /* child 2 continues... */
23 daemon_proc = 1; /* for err_XXX() functions */
24 chdir("/"); /* change working directory */
25 /* close off file descriptors */
26 for (i = 0; i < MAXFD; i++)
27 close(i);
28 /* redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to /dev/null */
29 open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY);
30 open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
31 open("/dev/null", O_RDWR);
32 openlog(pname, LOG_PID, facility);
33 return (0); /* success */
34 }
We first call fork and then the parent terminates, and the
child continues. If the process was started as a shell command in
the foreground, when the parent terminates, the shell thinks the
command is done. This automatically runs the child process in the
background. Also, the child inherits the process group ID from the
parent but gets its own process ID. This guarantees that the child
is not a process group leader, which is required for the next call
to setsid.
setsid is a POSIX function that creates a new session.
(Chapter 9 of APUE talks about process relationships and sessions
in detail.) The process becomes the session leader of the new
session, becomes the process group leader of a new process group,
and has no controlling terminal.
Ignore SIGHUP and
Fork Again
We ignore SIGHUP and call fork again. When this
function returns, the parent is really the first child and it
terminates, leaving the second child running. The purpose of this
second fork is to guarantee that the daemon cannot
automatically acquire a controlling terminal should it open a
terminal device in the future. When a session leader without a
controlling terminal opens a terminal device (that is not currently
some other session's controlling terminal), the terminal becomes
the controlling terminal of the session leader. But by calling
fork a second time, we guarantee that the second child is
no longer a session leader, so it cannot acquire a controlling
terminal. We must ignore SIGHUP because when the session
leader terminates (the first child), all processes in the session
(our second child) receive the SIGHUP signal.
Set Flag for Error Functions
23 We
set the global daemon_proc to nonzero. This external is
defined by our err_XXX functions (Section
D.3), and when its value is nonzero, this tells them to call
syslog instead of doing an fprintf to standard
error. This saves us from having to go through all our code and
call one of our error functions if the server is not being run as a
daemon (i.e., when we are testing the server), but call
syslog if it is being run as a daemon.
Change Working Directory
24 We
change the working directory to the root directory, although some
daemons might have a reason to change to some other directory. For
example, a printer daemon might change to the printer's spool
directory, where it does all its work. Should the daemon ever
generate a core file, that file is generated in the
current working directory. Another reason to change the working
directory is that the daemon could have been started in any
filesystem, and if it remains there, that filesystem cannot be
unmounted (at least not without using some potentially destructive,
forceful measures).
Close any open descriptors
We close any open descriptors that are inherited from the process
that executed the daemon (normally a shell). The problem is
determining the highest descriptor in use: There is no Unix
function that provides this value. There are ways to determine the
maximum number of descriptors that the process can open, but even
this gets complicated (see p. 43 of APUE) because the limit can be
infinite. Our solution is to close the first 64 descriptors, even
though most of these are probably not open.
Solaris provides a function called
closefrom for use by daemons to solve this problem.
Redirect stdin,
stdout, and stderr to /dev/null
We open/dev/null for standard input, standard output, and
standard error. This guarantees that these common descriptors are
open, and a read from any of these descriptors returns 0 (EOF), and
the kernel just discards anything written to them. The reason for
opening these descriptors is so that any library function called by
the daemon that assumes it can read from standard input or write to
either standard output or standard error will not fail. Such a
failure is potentially dangerous. If the daemon ends up opening a
socket to a client, that socket descriptor ends up as
stdout or stderr and some erroneous call to
something like perror then sends unexpected data to a
Use syslogd for Errors
Openlog is called. The first argument is from the caller
and is normally the name of the program (e.g., argv[0]).
We specify that the process ID should be added to each log message.
The facility is also specified by
the caller, as one of the values from Figure 13.2 or 0 if
the default of LOG_USER is acceptable.
We note that since a daemon runs without a
controlling terminal, it should never receive the SIGHUP
signal from the kernel. Therefore, many daemons use this signal as
a notification from the administrator that the daemon's
configuration file has changed, and the daemon should reread the
file. Two other signals that a daemon should never receive are
SIGINT and SIGWINCH, so daemons can safely use
these signals as another way for administrators to indicate some
change that the daemon should react to.
Example: Daytime Server as a
13.5 is a modification of our protocol-independent daytime
server from Figure 11.14 that
calls our daemon_init function to run as daemons.
There are only two changes: We call our
daemon_init function as soon as the program starts, and we
call our err_msg function, instead of printf, to
print the client's IP address and port. Indeed, if we want our
programs to be able to run as a daemon, we must avoid calling the
printf and fprintf functions and use our
err_msg function instead.
Note how we check argc and issue the
appropriate usage message before
calling daemon_init. This allows the user starting the
daemon to get immediate feedback if the command has the incorrect
number of arguments. After calling daemon_init, all
subsequent error messages go to syslog.
If we run this program on our Linux host
linux and then check the /var/log/messages file
(where we send all LOG_USER messages) after connecting
from the same machine (e.g., localhost), we have
Jun 10 09:54:37 linux daytimetcpsrv2[24288]:
connection from
(We have wrapped the one long line.) The date,
time, and hostname are prefixed automatically by the
syslogd daemon.
Figure 13.5
Protocol-independent daytime server that runs as a daemon.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 #include <time.h>
3 int
4 main(int argc, char **argv)
5 {
6 int listenfd, connfd;
7 socklen_t addrlen, len;
8 struct sockaddr *cliaddr;
9 char buff[MAXLINE];
10 time_t ticks;
11 if (argc < 2 || argc > 3)
12 err_quit("usage: daytimetcpsrv2 [ <host> ] <service or port>");
13 daemon_init(argv[0], 0);
14 if (argc == 2)
15 listenfd = Tcp_listen(NULL, argv[1], &addrlen);
16 else
17 listenfd = Tcp_listen(argv[1], argv[2], &addrlen);
18 cliaddr = Malloc(addrlen);
19 for ( ; ; ) {
20 len = addrlen;
21 connfd = Accept(listenfd, cliaddr, &len);
22 err_msg("connection from %s", Sock_ntop(cliaddr, len));
23 ticks = time(NULL);
24 snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), "%.24s/r/n", ctime(&ticks));
25 Write(connfd, buff, strlen(buff));
26 Close(connfd);
27 }
28 }