In Section 4.4, we
stated that the INADDR_ constants defined by the
<netinet/in.h> header are in host byte order. How
can we tell this?
Modify Figure 1.5 to call
getsockname after connect returns successfully.
Print the local IP address and local port assigned to the TCP
socket using sock_ntop. In what range (Figure 2.10) are
your system's ephemeral ports?
In a concurrent server, assume the child runs
first after the call to fork. The child then completes the
service of the client before the call to fork returns to
the parent. What happens in the two calls to close in
Figure 4.13?
In Figure 4.11, first
change the server's port from 13 to 9999 (so that we do not need
super-user privileges to start the program). Remove the call to
listen. What happens?
Continue the previous exercise. Remove the call
to bind, but allow the call to listen. What