10.5 Exploring Head-of-Line
Our simple server provides a method to send text
messages to any of a number of streams. A stream in SCTP is not a stream of bytes (as in
TCP), but a sequence of messages that is ordered within the
association. These sub-ordered streams are used to avoid the
head-of-line blocking found in TCP.
Head-of-line blocking occurs when a TCP segment
is lost and a subsequent TCP segment arrives out of order. That
subsequent segment is held until the first TCP segment is
retransmitted and arrives at the receiver. Delaying delivery of the
subsequent segment assures that the receiving application sees all
data in the order in which the sending application sent it. This
delay to achieve complete ordering is quite useful, but it has a
downside. Assume that semantically independent messages are being
sent over a single TCP connection. For example, a server may send
three different pictures for a Web browser to display. To make the
pictures appear on the user's screen in parallel, a server sends a
piece from the first picture, then a piece from the second picture,
and finally a piece from the third picture. The server repeats this
process until all three pictures are successfully transmitted to
the browser. But what happens if a TCP packet holding a piece of
the first picture is lost? The client will hold all data until that
missing piece is retransmitted and arrives successfully, delaying
all data for the second and third pictures, as well as data for the
first picture. Figure 10.5
illustrates this problem.
Although this is not how HTTP works, several
extensions, such as SCP [Spero 1996] and SMUX [Gettys and Nielsen
1998], have been proposed to permit this type of parallel
functionality on top of TCP. These multiplexing protocols have been
proposed to avoid the harmful behavior of multiple parallel TCP
connections that do not share state [Touch 1997]. Although creating
one TCP connection per picture (as HTTP clients normally do) avoids
the head-of-line blocking problem, each connection has to discover
the RTT and available bandwidth independently; a loss on one
connection (a signal of congestion on the path) does not
necessarily cause the other connections to slow down. This leads to
lower aggregate utilization of congested networks.
This blocking is not really what the application
would like to occur. Ideally, only later pieces of the first
picture would be delayed while pieces of the second and third
pictures that arrive in order would be delivered immediately to the
Head-of-line blocking can be minimized by SCTP's
multistream feature. In Figure
10.6, we see the same three pictures being sent. This time, the
server uses streams so that head-of-line blocking only occurs where
it is desired, allowing delivery of the second and third pictures
but holding the partially received first picture until in-order
delivery is possible.
We now complete our client code, including the
missing function sctpstr_cli_echoall (Figure 10.7, p. 296), which we will use to
demonstrate how SCTP minimizes head-of-line blocking. This function
is similar to our previous sctpstr_cli function except the
client no longer expects a stream number in brackets preceding each
message. Instead, the function sends the user message to all
SERV_MAX_SCTP_STRM streams. After sending the messages,
the client waits for all the responses to arrive from the server.
In running the code, we also pass an additional argument to the
server so that the server responds on the same stream on which a
message was received. This way, the user can better track the
responses sent and their order of arrival.
Initialize data structures and wait
for input
As before, the client initializes the sri structure used
to set up the stream it will be sending and receiving from. In
addition, the client zeros out the data buffer from which it will
collect user input. Then, the client enters the main loop, once
again blocking on user input.
Pre-process message
The client sets up the message size and then deletes the newline
character that is at the end of the buffer (if any).
Send message to each stream
The client sends the message using the sctp_sendmsg
function, sending the whole buffer of SCTP_MAXLINE bytes.
Before sending the message, it appends the string ".msg." and the stream number so that we can
observe the order of the arriving messages. In this way, we can
compare the arrival order to the order in which the client sent the
actual messages. Note also the client sends the messages to a set
number of streams without regard to how many were actually set up.
It is possible that one or more of the sends may fail if the peer
negotiates the number of streams downward.
This code has the potential to fail if the send
or receive windows are too small. If the peer's receive window is
too small, it is possible that the client will block. Since the
client does not read any information until all of its sends are
complete, the server could also potentially block while waiting for
the client to finish reading the responses the server already sent.
The result of such a scenario would be a deadlock of the two
endpoints. This code is not meant to be scalable, but instead to
illustrate streams and head-of-line blocking in a simple,
straightforward manner.
Figure 10.7
1 #include "unp . h"
2 #define SCTP_MAXLINE 800
3 void
4 sctpstr_cli_echoall (FILE *fp, int sock_fd, struct sockaddr *to,
5 socklen_t tolen)
6 {
7 struct sockaddr_in peeraddr;
8 struct sctp_sndrcvinfo sri;
9 char sendline [SCTP_MAXLINE], recvline [SCTP_MAXLINE];
10 socklen_t len;
11 int rd_sz, i, strsz;
12 int msg_flags;
13 bzero(sendline, sizeof (sendline));
14 bzero(&sri, sizeof (sri));
15 while (fgets (sendline, SCTP_MAXLINE - 9, fp) ! = NULL) {
16 strsz = strlen (sendline);
17 if (sendline [strsz - 1] == '\n') {
18 sendline [strsz - 1] = '\0';
19 strsz--;
20 }
21 for (i = 0; i < SERV_MAX_SCTP_STRM; i++) {
22 snprintf (sendline + strsz, sizeof (sendline) - strsz,
23 ".msg. %d", i) ;
24 Sctp_sendmsg (sock_fd, sendline, sizeof (sendline),
25 to, tolen, 0, 0, i, 0, 0) ;
26 }
27 for (i = 0; i < SERV_MAX_SCTP_STRM; i++) {
28 len = sizeof (peeraddr) ;
29 rd_sz = Sctp_recvmsg (sock_fd, recvline, sizeof (recvline),
30 (SA *) &peeraddr, &len, &sri, &msg_flags);
31 printf ("From str:%d seq:%d (assoc: 0X%X) :",
32 sri . sinfo_stream, sri . sinfo_ssn,
33 (u_int) sri . sinfo_assoc_id) ;
34 printf ("%.*s\n", rd_sz, recvline) ;
35 }
36 }
37 }
Read back echoed messages and
We now block, reading all the response messages from our server and
displaying each as we did before. After the last message is read,
the client loops back for more user input.
Running the Code
We execute the client and server on two separate
FreeBSD machines, separated by a configurable router, as
illustrated in Figure
10.8. The router can be configured to insert both delay and
loss. We execute the program first with no loss inserted by the
We start the server with an additional argument
of "0", forcing the server to not increment the stream number on
its replies.
Next, we start the client, passing it the
address of the echo server and an additional argument so that it
will send a message to each stream.
freebsd4% sctpclient01 echo
Echoing messages to all streams
From str:0 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.0
From str:1 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.1
From str:2 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.2
From str:3 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.3
From str:4 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.4
From str:5 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.5
From str:6 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.6
From str:7 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.7
From str:8 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.8
From str:9 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.9
With no loss, the client sees the responses
arrive back in the order in which the client sent them. We now
change the parameters of our router to lose 10% of all packets
traveling in both directions and restart our client.
freebsd4% sctpclient01 echo
Echoing messages to all streams
From str:0 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.0
From str:2 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.2
From str:3 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.3
From str:5 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.5
From str:1 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.1
From str:8 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.8
From str:4 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.4
From str:7 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.7
From str:9 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.9
From str:6 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.6
We can verify that the messages within a stream
are properly being held for reordering by having the client send
two messages to each stream. We also modify the client to add a
suffix to its message number to help us identify each message
duplicate. The modifications to the server are shown in Figure 10.9.
Figure 10.9
sctp_strcliecho modifications.
21 for (i = 0; i < SERV_MAX_SCTP_STRM; i++) {
22 snprintf (sendline + strsz, sizeof (sendline) - strsz,
23 ".msg.%d 1", i);
24 Sctp_sendmsg (sock_fd, sendline, sizeof (sendline),
25 to, tolen, 0, 0, i, 0, 0);
26 snprintf (sendline + strsz, sizeof (sendline) - strsz,
27 ".msg.%d 2", i);
28 Sctp_sendmsg (sock_fd, sendline, sizeof (sendline),
29 to, tolen, 0, 0, i, 0, 0);
30 }
31 for (i = 0; i < SERV_MAX_SCTP_STRM * 2; i++) {
32 len = sizeof (peeraddr);
Add additional message number and
The client adds an additional message number, "1", to help us track
which message is being sent. Then the client sends the message
using the sctp_sendmsg function.
Change message number and send it
The client now changes the number from "1" to "2" and sends this
updated message to the same stream.
Read messages and display
Here the code requires only one small change: We double the number
of messages the client expects to receive back from the echo
Running the Modified Code
We start our server and modified client, as
before, and obtain the following output from the client:
freebsd4% sctpclient01 echo
Echoing messages to all streams
From str:0 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.0 1
From str:0 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.0 2
From str:1 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.1 1
From str:4 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.4 1
From str:5 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.5 1
From str:7 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.7 1
From str:8 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.8 1
From str:9 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.9 1
From str:3 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.3 1
From str:3 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.3 2
From str:1 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.1 2
From str:5 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.5 2
From str:2 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.2 1
From str:6 seq:0 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.6 1
From str:6 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.6 2
From str:2 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.2 2
From str:7 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.7 2
From str:8 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.8 2
From str:9 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.9 2
From str:4 seq:1 (assoc:0xc99e15a0):Hello.msg.4 2
As we can see from the output, messages are
lost, and yet only the messages in a particular stream are delayed.
The other streams do not have their data delayed. SCTP streams can
be a powerful mechanism to escape head-of-line blocking yet
preserve order within a set of related messages.