5.10 wait and
waitpid Functions
In Figure 5.7, we called
the wait function to handle the terminated child.
#include <sys/wait.h>
pid_t wait (int *statloc);
pid_t waitpid (pid_t
pid, int *statloc, int options);
Both return: process ID if OK, 0 or鈥? on
wait and waitpid both return
two values: the return value of the function is the process ID of
the terminated child, and the termination status of the child (an
integer) is returned through the statloc pointer. There are three macros that
we can call that examine the termination status and tell us if the
child terminated normally, was killed by a signal, or was just
stopped by job control. Additional macros let us then fetch the
exit status of the child, or the value of the signal that killed
the child, or the value of the job-control signal that stopped the
child. We will use the WIFEXITED and WEXITSTATUS
macros in Figure 15.10 for this
If there are no terminated children for the
process calling wait, but the process has one or more
children that are still executing, then wait blocks until
the first of the existing children terminates.
waitpid gives us more control over
which process to wait for and whether or not to block. First, the
pid argument lets us specify the
process ID that we want to wait for. A value of -1 says to wait for
the first of our children to terminate. (There are other options,
dealing with process group IDs, but we do not need them in this
text.) The options argument lets
us specify additional options. The most common option is
WNOHANG. This option tells the kernel not to block if
there are no terminated children.
Difference between wait and
We now illustrate the difference between the
wait and waitpid functions when used to clean up
terminated children. To do this, we modify our TCP client as shown
in Figure 5.9. The client
establishes five connections with the server and then uses only the
first one (sockfd[0]) in the call to str_cli. The
purpose of establishing multiple connections is to spawn multiple
children from the concurrent server, as shown in Figure 5.8.
Figure 5.9 TCP
client that establishes five connections with server.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 int
3 main (int argc, char **argv)
4 {
5 int i, sockfd[5];
6 struct sockaddr_in servaddr;
7 if (argc != 2)
8 err_quit ("usage: tcpcli <IPaddress>";
9 for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
10 sockfd[i] = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
11 bzero (&servaddr, sizeof (servaddr));
12 servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
13 servaddr.sin_port = htons (SERV_PORT);
14 Inet_pton (AF_INET, argv[1], &servaddr.sin_addr);
15 Connect (sockfd[i], (SA *) &servaddr, sizeof (servaddr));
16 }
17 str_cli (stdin, sockfd[0]); /* do it all */
18 exit(0);
19 }
When the client terminates, all open descriptors
are closed automatically by the kernel (we do not call
close, only exit), and all five connections are
terminated at about the same time. This causes five FINs to be
sent, one on each connection, which in turn causes all five server
children to terminate at about the same time. This causes five
SIGCHLD signals to be delivered to the parent at about the
same time, which we show in Figure 5.10.
It is this delivery of multiple occurrences of
the same signal that causes the problem we are about to see.
We first run the server in the background and
then our new client. Our server is Figure 5.2, modified
to call signal to establish Figure 5.7 as a signal
handler for SIGCHLD.
linux % tcpserv03 &
[1] 20419
linux % tcpcli04
we type this
and it is
we then type our EOF
child 20426 terminated
output by
The first thing we notice is that only one
printf is output, when we expect all five children to have
terminated. If we execute ps, we see that the other four
children still exist as zombies.
20419 pts/6 00:00:00 tcpserv03
20421 pts/6 00:00:00 tcpserv03 <defunct>
20422 pts/6 00:00:00 tcpserv03 <defunct>
20423 pts/6 00:00:00 tcpserv03 <defunct>
Establishing a signal handler and calling
wait from that handler are insufficient for preventing
zombies. The problem is that all five signals are generated before
the signal handler is executed, and the signal handler is executed
only one time because Unix signals are normally not queued. Furthermore, this problem is
nondeterministic. In the example we just ran, with the client and
server on the same host, the signal handler is executed once,
leaving four zombies. But if we run the client and server on
different hosts, the signal handler is normally executed two times:
once as a result of the first signal being generated, and since the
other four signals occur while the signal handler is executing, the
handler is called only one more time. This leaves three zombies.
But sometimes, probably dependent on the timing of the FINs
arriving at the server host, the signal handler is executed three
or even four times.
The correct solution is to call waitpid
instead of wait. Figure 5.11 shows the version of our
sig_chld function that handles SIGCHLD correctly.
This version works because we call waitpid within a loop,
fetching the status of any of our children that have terminated. We
must specify the WNOHANG option: This tells
waitpid not to block if there are running children that
have not yet terminated. In Figure 5.7, we cannot
call wait in a loop, because there is no way to prevent
wait from blocking if there are running children that have
not yet terminated.
5.12 shows the final version of our server. It correctly
handles a return of EINTR from accept and it
establishes a signal handler (Figure 5.11) that calls waitpid for all
terminated children.
Figure 5.11
Final (correct) version of sig_chld function that calls
1 #include "unp.h"
2 void
3 sig_chld(int signo)
4 {
5 pid_t pid;
6 int stat;
7 while ( (pid = waitpid(-1, &stat, WNOHANG)) > 0)
8 printf("child %d terminated\n", pid);
9 return;
10 }
Figure 5.12
Final (correct) version of TCP server that handles an error of
EINTR from accept.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 int
3 main(int argc, char **argv)
4 {
5 int listenfd, connfd;
6 pid_t childpid;
7 socklen_t clilen;
8 struct sockaddr_in cliaddr, servaddr;
9 void sig_chld(int);
10 listenfd = Socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
11 bzero (&servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
12 servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
13 servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
14 servaddr.sin_port = htons(SERV_PORT);
15 Bind(listenfd, (SA *) &servaddr, sizeof(servaddr));
16 Listen(listenfd, LISTENQ);
17 Signal (SIGCHLD, sig_chld); /* must call waitpid() */
18 for ( ; ; ) {
19 clilen = sizeof(cliaddr);
20 if ( (connfd = accept (listenfd, (SA *) &cliaddr, &clilen)) < 0) {
21 if (errno == EINTR)
22 continue; /* back to for() */
23 else
24 err_sys("accept error");
25 }
26 if ( (childpid = Fork()) == 0) { /* child process */
27 Close(listenfd); /* close listening socket */
28 str_echo(connfd); /* process the request */
29 exit(0);
30 }
31 Close (connfd); /* parent closes connected socket */
32 }
33 }
The purpose of this section has been to
demonstrate three scenarios that we can encounter with network
We must catch the
SIGCHLD signal when forking child
We must handle
interrupted system calls when we catch signals.
SIGCHLD handler must be coded correctly using
waitpid to prevent any zombies from being left
The final version of our TCP server (Figure 5.12), along with the
SIGCHLD handler in Figure 5.11, handles all three scenarios.