21.7 mcast_join and Related
Although the multicast socket options for IPv4
are similar to the multicast socket options for IPv6, there are
enough differences that protocol-independent code using
multicasting becomes complicated with lots of #ifdefs. A
better solution is to hide the differences within the following
eight functions:
#include "unp.h"
int mcast_join(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
grplen, const char
*ifname, u_int
int mcast_leave(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
int mcast_block_source(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*src, socklen_t
srclen, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
int mcast_unblock_source(int
sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*src, socklen_t
srclen, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
int mcast_join_source_group(int
sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*src, socklen_t
srclen, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
grplen, const char
*ifname, u_int
int mcast_leave_source_group(int
sockfd, const struct sockaddr
*src, socklen_t
srclen, const struct sockaddr
*grp, socklen_t
int mcast_set_if(int sockfd, const char *ifname, u_int ifindex);
int mcast_set_loop(int sockfd, int flag);
int mcast_set_ttl(int sockfd, int ttl);
All above return: 0 if OK, 鈥? on error
int mcast_get_if(int sockfd);
Returns: non-negative interface index if OK, 鈥?
on error
int mcast_get_loop(int sockfd);
Returns: current loopback flag if OK, 鈥? on
int mcast_get_ttl(int sockfd);
Returns: current TTL or hop limit if OK, 鈥? on
mcast_join joins the any-source
multicast group whose IP address is contained within the socket
address structure pointed to by grp, and whose length is specified by
grplen. We can specify the
interface on which to join the group by either the interface name
(a non-null ifname) or a nonzero
interface index (ifindex). If
neither is specified, the kernel chooses the interface on which the
group is joined. Recall that with IPv6, the interface is specified
to the socket option by its index. If a name is specified for an
IPv6 socket, we call if_nametoindex to obtain the index.
With the IPv4 socket option, the interface is specified by its
unicast IP address. If a name is specified for an IPv4 socket, we
call ioctl with a request of SIOCGIFADDR to
obtain the unicast IP address for the interface. If an index is
specified for an IPv4 socket, we first call if_indextoname
to obtain the name and then process the name as just described.
An interface name, such as le0 or
ether0, is normally the way users specify interfaces, and
not with either the IP address or the index. tcpdump, for
example, is one of the few programs that lets the user specify an
interface, and its -i option takes an interface name as
the argument.
mcast_leave leaves the multicast group
whose IP address is contained within the socket address structure
pointed to by grp. Note that
mcast_leave does not take an interface specification; it
always deletes the first matching membership. This simplifies the
library API, but means that programs that require direct control of
per-interface membership need to use the setsockopt API
mcast_block_source blocks reception on
the given socket of the source and group whose IP addresses are
contained within the socket address structures pointed to by
src and grp, respectively, and whose lengths are
specified by srclen and
grplen. mcast_join must
have already been called on this socket for the given group.
mcast_unblock_source unblocks reception
of traffic from the given source to the given group. The
src, srclen, grp, and grplen arguments must be the same as a
previous call to mcast_block_source.
mcast_join_source_group joins the
source-specific group where the source and group IP addresses are
contained within the socket address structures pointed to by
src and grp, respectively, and whose lengths are
specified by srclen and
grplen. We can specify the
interface on which to join the group by either the interface name
(a non-null ifname) or a nonzero
interface index (ifindex). If
neither is specified, the kernel chooses the interface on which the
group is joined.
mcast_leave_source_group leaves the
source-specific multicast group whose source and group IP addresses
are contained within the socket address structures pointed to by
src and grp, respectively, and whose lengths are
specified by srclen and
grplen. As with
mcast_leave, mcast_leave_source_group does not
take an interface specification; it always deletes the first
matching membership.
mcast_set_if sets the default interface
index for outgoing multicast datagrams. If ifindex is greater than 0, then it specifies
the interface index; otherwise, if ifname is nonnull, then it specifies the
interface name. For IPv6, the name is mapped to an index using
if_nametoindex. For IPv4, the mapping from either a name
or an index into the interface's unicast IP address is done as
described for mcast_join.
mcast_set_loop sets the loopback option
to either 0 or 1, and mcast_set_ttl sets either the IPv4
TTL or the IPv6 hop limit. The three
mcast_get_XXX functions
return the corresponding value.
Example: mcast_join
21.10 shows the first third of our mcast_join
function. This third shows how straightforward the
protocol-independent API can be.
Handle index
If the caller supplied an index, then we just use it directly.
Otherwise, if the caller supplied an interface name, the index is
obtained by calling if_nametoindex. Otherwise, the
interface is set to 0, telling the kernel to choose the
Copy address and call setsockopt
The caller's socket address is copied directly into the request's
group field. Recall that the group field is a
sockaddr_storage, so it is big enough to handle any socket
address type the system supports. However, to guard against buffer
overruns caused by sloppy coding, we check the sockaddr
size and return EINVAL if it is too large.
setsockopt performs the join. The level argument to setsockopt is
determined using the family of the group address and our
family_to_level function. Some systems support a mismatch
between level and the socket's
address family, for instance, using IPPROTO_IP with
MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, even with an AF_INET6 socket,
but not all do, so we turn the address family into the appropriate
level. We do not show this trivial function, but the source code is
freely available (see the Preface).
Figure 21.10
Join a multicast group: IP version-independent.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 #include <net/if.h>
3 int
4 mcast_join(int sockfd, const SA *grp, socklen_t grplen,
5 const char *ifname, u_int ifindex)
6 {
8 struct group_req req;
9 if (ifindex > 0) {
10 req.gr_interface = ifindex;
11 } else if (ifname != NULL) {
12 if ( (req.gr_interface = if_nametoindex(ifname)) == 0) {
13 errno = ENXIO; /* i/f name not found */
14 return (-1);
15 }
16 } else
17 req.gr_interface = 0;
18 if (grplen > sizeof(req.gr_group)) {
19 errno = EINVAL;
20 return -1;
21 }
22 memcpy(&req.gr_group, grp, grplen);
23 return (setsockopt(sockfd, family_to_level(grp->sa_family),
24 MCAST_JOIN_GROUP, &req, sizeof(req)));
25 #else
21.11 shows the second third of mcast_join, which
handles IPv4 sockets.
Handle index
The IPv4 multicast address in the socket address structure is
copied into an ip_mreq structure. If an index was
specified, if_indextoname is called, storing the name into
our ifreq structure. If this succeeds, we branch ahead to
issue the ioctl.
Handle name
The caller's name is copied into an ifreq structure, and
an ioctl of SIOCGIFADDR returns the unicast
address associated with this name. Upon success the IPv4 address is
copied into the imr_interface member of the
ip_mreq structure.
Specify default
If an index was not specified and a name was not specified, the
interface is set to the wildcard address, telling the kernel to
choose the interface.
setsockopt performs the join.
Figure 21.11
Join a multicast group: IPv4 socket.
26 switch (grp->sa_family) {
27 case AF_INET:{
28 struct ip_mreq mreq;
29 struct ifreq ifreq;
30 memcpy(&mreq.imr_multiaddr,
31 &((const struct sockaddr_in *) grp)->sin_addr,
32 sizeof(struct in_addr));
33 if (ifindex > 0) {
34 if (if_indextoname(ifindex, ifreq.ifr_name) == NULL) {
35 errno = ENXIO; /* i/f index not found */
36 return (-1);
37 }
38 goto doioctl;
39 } else if (ifname != NULL) {
40 strncpy(ifreq.ifr_name, ifname, IFNAMSIZ);
41 doioctl:
42 if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifreq) < 0)
43 return (-1);
44 memcpy(&mreq.imr_interface,
45 &((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifreq.ifr_addr)->sin_addr,
46 sizeof(struct in_addr));
47 } else
48 mreq.imr_interface.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
49 return (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP,
50 &mreq, sizeof(mreq)));
51 }
The final portion of the function, which handles
IPv6 sockets, is shown in Figure 21.12.
Copy address
First the IPv6 multicast address is copied from the socket address
structure into the ipv6_mreq structure.
Handle index, name, or default
If an index was specified, it is stored in the
ipv6mr_interface member; if a name was specified, the
index is obtained by calling if_nametoindex; otherwise,
the interface index is set to 0 for setsockopt, telling
the kernel to choose the interface.
The group is joined.
Figure 21.12
Join a multicast group: IPv6 socket.
52 #ifdef IPV6
53 case AF_INET6:{
54 struct ipv6_mreq mreq6;
55 memcpy(&mreq6.ipv6mr_multiaddr,
56 &((const struct sockaddr_in6 *) grp) ->sin6_addr,
57 sizeof(struct in6_addr));
58 if (ifindex > 0) {
59 mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = ifindex;
60 } else if (ifname != NULL) {
61 if ( (mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = if_nametoindex(ifname)) == 0) {
62 errno = ENXIO; /* i/f name not found */
63 return (-1);
64 }
65 } else
66 mreq6.ipv6mr_interface = 0;
67 return (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_JOIN_GROUP,
68 &mreq6, sizeof(mreq6)));
69 }
70 #endif
71 default:
72 errno = EAFNOSUPPORT;
73 return (-1);
74 }
75 #endif
76 }
Example: mcast_set_loop
21.13 shows our mcast_set_loop function.
Since the argument is a socket descriptor and
not a socket address structure, we call our
sockfd_to_family function to obtain the address family of
the socket. The appropriate socket option is set.
We do not show the source code for all remaining
mcast_XXX functions, but
it is freely available (see the Preface).
Figure 21.13
Set the multicast loopback option.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 int
3 mcast_set_loop(int sockfd, int onoff)
4 {
5 switch (sockfd_to_family(sockfd)) {
6 case AF_INET:{
7 u_char flag;
8 flag = onoff;
9 return (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_LOOP,
10 &flag, sizeof(flag)));
11 }
12 #ifdef IPV6
13 case AF_INET6:{
14 u_int flag;
15 flag = onoff;
16 return (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP,
17 &flag, sizeof(flag)));
18 }
19 #endif
20 default:
21 errno = EAFNOSUPPORT;
22 return (-1);
23 }
24 }