22.2 Receiving Flags, Destination IP
Address, and Interface Index
Historically, sendmsg and
recvmsg have been used only to pass descriptors across
Unix domain sockets (Section 15.7), and
even this was rare. But the use of these two functions is
increasing for two reasons:
msg_flags member, which was added to the msghdr
structure with 4.3BSD Reno, returns flags to the application. We
summarized these flags in Figure 14.7.
Ancillary data
is being used to pass more and more information between the
application and the kernel. We will see in Chapter 27 that IPv6 continues this
As an example of recvmsg, we will write
a function named recvfrom_flags, which is similar to
recvfrom but also returns the following:
The returned msg_flags value
The destination address of the received datagram
(from the IP_RECVDSTADDR socket option)
The index of the interface on which the datagram
was received (the IP_RECVIF socket option)
To return the last two items, we define the
following structure in our unp.h header:
struct unp_in_pktinfo {
struct in_addr ipi_addr; /* destination IPv4 address */
int ipi_ifindex; /* received interface index */
We have purposely chosen the structure name and
member names to be similar to the IPv6 in6_pktinfo
structure that returns the same two items for an IPv6 socket
(Section 22.8). Our
recvfrom_flags function will take a pointer to an
unp_in_pktinfo structure as an argument, and if this
pointer is non-null, we will return the structure through the
A design problem with this structure is what to
return if the IP_RECVDSTADDR information is not available
(i.e., the implementation does not support the socket option). The
interface index is easy to handle because a value of 0 can indicate
that the index is not known. But all 32-bit values for an IP
address are valid. What we have chosen is to return a value of all
zeros ( as the destination address when the actual value is
not available. While this is a valid IP address, it is never
allowed as the destination IP address (RFC 1122 [Braden 1989]); it
is valid only as the source IP address when a host is bootstrapping
and does not yet know its IP address.
Unfortunately, Berkeley-derived kernels accept
IP datagrams destined to (pp. 218鈥?19 of TCPv2). These are
obsolete broadcasts generated by 4.2BSD-derived kernels.
We now show the first half of our
recvfrom_flags function in Figure 22.1. This function is intended to be used
with a UDP socket.
Figure 22.1
recvfrom_flags function: calls recvmsg.
1 #include "unp.h"
2 #include <sys/param.h> /* ALIGN macro for CMSG_NXTHDR() macro */
3 ssize_t
4 recvfrom_flags(int fd, void *ptr, size_t nbytes, int *flagsp,
5 SA *sa, socklen_t *salenptr, struct unp_in_pktinfo *pktp)
6 {
7 struct msghdr msg;
8 struct iovec iov[1];
9 ssize_t n;
11 struct cmsghdr *cmptr;
12 union {
13 struct cmsghdr cm;
14 char control[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct in_addr)) +
15 CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct unp_in_pktinfo))];
16 } control_un;
17 msg.msg_control = control_un.control;
18 msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control_un.control);
19 msg.msg_flags = 0;
20 #else
21 bzero(&msg, sizeof(msg)); /* make certain msg_accrightslen = 0 */
22 #endif
23 msg.msg_name = sa;
24 msg.msg_namelen = *salenptr;
25 iov[0].iov_base = ptr;
26 iov[0].iov_len = nbytes;
27 msg.msg_iov = iov;
28 msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
29 if ( (n = recvmsg(fd, &msg, *flagsp)) < 0)
30 return (n);
31 *salenptr = msg.msg_namelen; /* pass back results */
32 if (pktp)
33 bzero(pktp, sizeof(struct unp_in_pktinfo)); /*, i/f = 0 */
Include files
The CMSG_NXTHDR macro requires the
<sys/param.h> header.
Function arguments
The function arguments are similar to recvfrom, except the
fourth argument is now a pointer to an integer flag (so that we can
return the flags returned by recvmsg) and the seventh
argument is new: It is a pointer to an unp_in_pktinfo
structure that will contain the destination IPv4 address of the
received datagram and the interface index on which the datagram was
Implemenation differences
When dealing with the msghdr structure and the various
MSG_xxx constants, we
encounter lots of differences between various implementations. Our
way of handling these differences is to use C's conditional
inclusion feature (#ifdef). If the implementation supports
the msg_control member, space is allocated to hold the
values returned by both the IP_RECVDSTADDR and
IP_RECVIF socket options, and the appropriate members are
Fill in msghdr structure and
call recvmsg
A msghdr structure is filled in and recvmsg is
called. The values of the msg_namelen and
msg_flags members must be passed back to the caller; they
are value-result arguments. We also initialize the caller's
unp_in_pktinfo structure, setting the IP address to and the interface index to 0.
22.2 shows the second half of our function.
If the implementation does not support the msg_control
member, we just set the returned flags to 0 and return. The
remainder of the function handles the msg_control
Return if no control information
We return the msg_flags value and then return to the
caller if: (i) there is no control information; (ii) the control
information was truncated; or (iii) the caller does not want an
unp_in_pktinfo structure returned.
Process ancillary data
We process any number of ancillary data objects using the
If the destination IP address was returned as control information
(Figure 14.9), it is
returned to the caller.
If the index of the received interface was returned as control
information, it is returned to the caller. Figure 22.3 shows the contents of the ancillary
data object that is returned.
Figure 22.2
recvfrom_flags function: returns flags and destination
35 *flagsp = 0; /* pass back results */
36 return (n);
37 #else
38 *flagsp = msg.msg_flags; /* pass back results */
39 if (msg.msg_controllen < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
40 (msg.msg_flags & MSG_CTRUNC) || pktp == NULL)
41 return (n);
42 for (cmptr = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmptr != NULL;
43 cmptr = CMSG_NXTHDR(&msg, cmptr)) {
45 if (cmptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP &&
46 cmptr->cmsg_type == IP_RECVDSTADDR) {
47 memcpy(&pktp->ipi_addr, CMSG_DATA(cmptr),
48 sizeof(struct in_addr));
49 continue;
50 }
51 #endif
52 #ifdef IP_RECVIF
53 if (cmptr->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP && cmptr->cmsg_type == IP_RECVIF) {
54 struct sockaddr_dl *sdl;
55 sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) CMSG_DATA(cmptr);
56 pktp->ipi_ifindex = sdl->sdl_index;
57 continue;
58 }
59 #endif
60 err_quit("unknown ancillary data, len = %d, level = %d, type = %d",
61 cmptr->cmsg_len, cmptr->cmsg_level, cmptr->cmsg_type);
62 }
63 return (n);
65 }
Recall the datalink socket address structure in
Figure 18.1. The data
returned in the ancillary data object is one of these structures,
but the three lengths are 0 (name length, address length, and
selector length). Therefore, there is no need for any of the data
that follows these lengths, so the size of the structure should be
8 bytes, not the 20 that we show in Figure 18.1. The
information we return is the interface index.
Example: Print Destination IP Address
and Datagram-Truncated Flag
To test our function, we modify our
dg_echo function (Figure 8.4) to call
recvfrom_flags instead of recvfrom. We show this
new version of dg_echo in Figure 22.4.
2鈥? We
remove the existing definition of MAXLINE that occurs in
our unp.h header and redefine it to be 20. We do this to
see what happens when we receive a UDP datagram that is larger than
the buffer that we pass to the input function (recvmsg in
this case).
IP_RECVIF socket options
If the IP_RECVDSTADDR socket option is defined, it is
turned on. Similarly, the IP_RECVIF socket option is
turned on.
Figure 22.4
dg_echo function that calls our recvfrom_flags
1 #include "unpifi.h"
2 #undef MAXLINE
3 #define MAXLINE 20 /* to see datagram truncation */
4 void
5 dg_echo(int sockfd, SA *pcliaddr, socklen_t clilen)
6 {
7 int flags;
8 const int on = 1;
9 socklen_t len;
10 ssize_t n;
11 char mesg[MAXLINE], str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN], ifname[IFNAMSIZ];
12 struct in_addr in_zero;
13 struct unp_in_pktinfo pktinfo;
15 if (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
16 err_ret("setsockopt of IP_RECVDSTADDR");
17 #endif
18 #ifdef IP_RECVIF
19 if (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_RECVIF, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
20 err_ret("setsockopt of IP_RECVIF");
21 #endif
22 bzero(&in_zero, sizeof(struct in_addr)); /* all 0 IPv4 address */
23 for ( ; ; ) {
24 len = clilen;
25 flags = 0;
26 n = Recvfrom_flags(sockfd, mesg, MAXLINE, &flags,
27 pcliaddr, &len, &pktinfo);
28 printf("%d-byte datagram from %s", n, Sock_ntop(pcliaddr, len));
29 if (memcmp(&pktinfo.ipi_addr, &in_zero, sizeof(in_zero)) != 0)
30 printf(", to %s", Inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pktinfo.ipi_addr,
31 str, sizeof(str)));
32 if (pktinfo.ipi_ifindex > 0)
33 printf(", recv i/f = %s",
34 If_indextoname(pktinfo.ipi_ifindex, ifname));
35 #ifdef MSG_TRUNC
36 if (flags & MSG_TRUNC)
37 printf(" (datagram truncated)");
38 #endif
39 #ifdef MSG_CTRUNC
40 if (flags & MSG_CTRUNC)
41 printf(" (control info truncated)");
42 #endif
43 #ifdef MSG_BCAST
44 if (flags & MSG_BCAST)
45 printf(" (broadcast)");
46 #endif
47 #ifdef MSG_MCAST
48 if (flags & MSG_MCAST)
49 printf(" (multicast)");
50 #endif
51 printf("\n");
52 Sendto(sockfd, mesg, n, 0, pcliaddr, len);
53 }
54 }
Read datagram, print source IP address
and port
The datagram is read by calling recvfrom_flags. The source
IP address and port of the server's reply are converted to
presentation format by sock_ntop.
Print destination IP address
If the returned IP address is not 0, it is converted to
presentation format by inet_ntop and printed.
Print name of received interface
If the returned interface index is not 0, its name is obtained by
calling if_indextoname and it is printed.
Test various flags
We test four additional flags and print a message if any are